Virtual Massage 

A guided visualization

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We often sit or walk about with our shoulders tense and hunched up, increasing stress & strain. This visualization gives the benefits of a good shoulder-rub or massage without a massage therapist!

 When we are very busy, whether this means being so active we have no time to properly relax or just sitting at a desk all day without a break while we try to meet another deadline, we will tend to tense and tighten the muscles in our neck, shoulders or back, leaving us feeling sore and unable to let go of our stress. At that point a massage would be wonderful! But we don’t always have the time or the opportunity for one, when we most need it! Although not quite the same, a helpful and effective alternative can be to give yourself a virtual massage! Take five minutes to pause or ‘switch off’ and try this process at your desk, or anywhere you can comfortably sit still for 5 minutes. You will feel refreshed and reinvigorated, and hopefully let go some of that tension in your body, making you better able to focus and be creative once more!