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We all think in images, or ‘visualize’ constantly, from the day we are born and throughout our entire life, 24/7. We feed the images in our minds with our emotions, our emotions are in turn fed by the images, and we can easily end up in a perpetual cycle which can be either positive or negative, energizing or draining, stress-producing or pleasing. How we utilize our innate internal visualization capacity will determine how we perceive the events of our lives and in turn how we react to and experience life and other people; we can let it 'have a life of its own' controlling us, OR we can take charge and decide what we want our imagination to be filled with.

Mastering emotions requires awareness and management of our internal imagery. Following are specially selected and recorded guided visualizations that will help you take charge: relax or re-energize, release tension or get more clarity, let go of stress and breathe the way you were born to breathe, or just create positive images in your mind.