Applied Emotional Mastery™ COACHING


Do you sometimes wish you had behaved differently?

Would you like to be in charge of your emotions rather than having your emotions be in charge of you?

Do you want to see more signs of growth and improvement in your everyday life?

We are all born into this world with an urge to learn, grow, and move beyond what we have already attained. In actual fact, it’s a basic need. If we did not have this urge to learn and grow we would die!

As a species we have always needed to learn about our surroundings and how to handle them for our very survival; to defend ourselves against danger, to provide sustenance and shelter, to belong and be a part of a family or ‘tribe’. The brain is ‘hard-wired’ to learn and to improve, to build a resource library of information from which to understand and respond to our world.  The brain gathers this information from our life experiences, through each and every one of our senses. Our sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, all send information to the brain which creates connections and patterns, contexts within which to understand all future information and respond appropriately.

Once the need for survival has been met, the urge to keep growing and “moving beyond” translates into a need for advancement to another level of knowledge, of ownership, and of performance. Unfortunately, in today’s society this focus on performance and ownership – on ‘doing’ and ‘having’, - serves to distract us from the more essential growth of becoming the person we want to be – ‘being’ what we would like to see.

In our attempts to work harder, to compete with each other, to do better, so that we can have more money and things in order that we can do more of what we want to do, we accept as true the belief that by doing more so we can have more, we will be happier.

In fact this is not the way it works at all – having lots of things never made anyone happy!

The equation actually works in reverse: we will only be satisfied with what we have when what we do to attain it is an expression of who we are; of our beliefs, our values, our delights and our outrage.

Only when we can be the unique being each one of us is – when we know our own strengths and weaknesses, what gives us joy and sorrow, what is important to us, what are our natural talents and pre-dispositions, and what drives us - will we have a strong, sustainable foundation to do what we do best with clarity, focus and a sense of purpose; it is at that point we will find we have and attract what we desire. It really is no secret, but rather a natural human progression, for it includes “I am” as well as “I do” and “I have” – a ripple effect!

On the other hand, when we believe that having and doing is all there is, we end up seeking to meet our need for fulfillment through acquiring more, achieving more, and busying ourselves more. We begin to identify with what we have and what we do; “I am what I have” and “I am what I do’, become our beliefs, driving us relentlessly to have more and do more, creating a vicious cycle that leads to ever increasing amounts of stress, and the need for fulfillment never fully satisfied.

Breaking this cycle involves first connecting with your very core foundation – your ‘being-ness’ – and determining what is most important to you, what gives meaning and purpose to your life. Through this process you establish what you want to change; what is working and what is not working in your life; what serves you and what doesn’t serve you; and what you want to improve.

For each individual this process is different – with one exception; everyone experiences emotions – emotions that provoke, emotions that inspire, and emotions that interfere with the process of change. Sometimes we are aware of them and sometimes we are not. But our emotions are with us, always.

To successfully navigate personal growth and change with an undercurrent of emotions present which we often do not understand, is challenging at the best of times. Reaching out for effective assistance can be the ‘make or break’ of the entire process!

Effective assistance in the form of personal/life-coaching will incorporate an understanding of the natural human progression of growth and change, as well as the emotions that underlie all human beliefs and behavior. Applied Emotional Mastery™ Coaching embodies such an understanding. Offering a comprehensive and developmental approach to growth, practice, and integration, Applied Emotional Mastery™(AEM) is grounded in well-established and scientifically based principles. AEM Founder and Director Jennifer Day – Counselor and EI Coach with over thirty years of coaching experience nationally and internationally – personally ensures that AEM coaching is always purposely tailored to meet the needs of each individual client.

Sessions are by phone and/or in person, and include accompanying reading material and practical exercises. All sessions are of course completely confidential. For more information, please visit our Contact us page.