A guided visualization

Written  by John Selby

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 A busy mind that’s difficult to ‘switch off’ is a regular occurrence for most of us. This visualization will help you quiet your busy mind and gain relief from stress.

When we are very young, we are often reflective and have a natural ability for stillness and contemplation. As we grow however, our busy 21st century existence means we have to respond to more and more stimulation, our minds become busier and busier, and our aptitude for reflection and stillness becomes less and less utilized, even though we need it just as much, if not more! Re-awakening this innate capacity for quieting the mind can be one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, resulting in increased self-awareness and self-esteem, better management of stress, heightened connection to and understanding of others, and easier access to our intuition. I encourage you to listen to and do this 5 minute process at least once a week. You’ll be glad you did!