Deep Breathing 

A guided visualization


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Breathing rhythmically and deeply is the fastest way to counteract the stress-response and activate the relaxation-response so necessary for us to feel centered and coherent. Practicing deep breathing regularly will help you achieve more clarity of thought, emotional management, and a healthier body.


When we feel worried, anxious or even when we are in deep concentration, most of us tend to breathe shallowly or even hold our breath. Shallow breathing (or breathing primarily in the chest), creates constriction and reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain and cells throughout the body. The result is increased stress, reduced resilience, emotional flux, and – among many other things – a ‘thinking brain’ that works less effectively.

On the other hand, deep, rhythmic breathing expands the diaphragm and lungs, sending oxygen to the brain and every cell in the body while boosting the immune system. The longer exhales involved in deep breathing release carbon dioxide (which helps release toxins) while stimulating the ‘relaxation response’ and the parts of the brain involved in creative thinking.